Successful Affiliates Create Their Own Luck

I’ve been reading lots of books lately about success, and I always look at them from the perspective of Affiliate Marketing. I’m still convinced that this business is the best one in the world, and I won’t be doing anything different any time soon. Even so, when you read inspiring stories of how people created success, you can always find nuggets to pull out and apply to your own business and life.


The only one of these posters that I would actually put on my wall.

The best tip that I have found lately that I think can be directly applied to Affiliate Marketing is this: successful (read “wealthy people”) create their own luck. For many people, when they look at someone like Bill Gates, they look at him and say, “He got lucky.” Same thing with Affiliates. They look at [insert name of most popular super affiliate at the moment] and think to themselves, “Man they got lucky. If I could have jumped into this business when they did and had that big campaign fall into my lap, then I could be making bank too.”

Not so.

The successful campaign, the “big one”, the huge moneymaker that sets the men apart from the boys in this industry, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. That’s just the visible part. These guys didn’t wake up one morning and stumble across that campaign by sheer dumb luck. What you don’t see is the hours spent setting up campaigns, the days testing campaigns, the weeks tweaking them, and the months trying out different offers and traffic sources that lead to that massive success.

Affiliate Marketing isn’t easy. You can’t logon to your laptop, press some buttons for 30 minutes, and expect money to come falling out. Are there people who make a good income spending only 30 minutes a day on it? Yes there are. But they didn’t get that way by spending 30 minutes a day. They most likely worked 12 hours a day on those campaigns until they got them to the point where they could be maintained at a high level. Also, if you are resting on your laurels while you’ve got a big campaign running, you are just asking for a world of hurt when it dies (and it will someday).

My point is, don’t waste your time wishing that you were as lucky as somebody you know that is banking it with Affiliate Marketing. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. If you just got into this business when a massive campaign fell into your lap, you wouldn’t even know what to do with it. It’s the time spent learning that will let you maximize opportunities when you see them and take the money to the bank while you can.

Keep setting up campaigns, keep trying, keep failing, learn from your mistakes, rinse and repeat. That’s how the pros do it.

What If Affiliate Marketing Was Easy?

Some of you reading this blog right now are huge successful affiliates. To you, affiliate marketing is like breathing, you just wake up in the morning and do it. But for everyone else, breaking into affiliate marketing can seem like the hardest thing they have ever done. If you’ve never done anything but work for someone else, it can be a major shift in your mindset to get the motivation and the sheer will necessary to be successful making money online.

But what if Affiliate Marketing was easy? What if all you had to do was sit down at a computer, press a few buttons and money would come falling out? Well, for one, I think the national unemployment rate would go down because people would just get money from their computers instead of welfare and the government. But also, we would see an even larger influx of people jumping into the market than we have now.

Lazy Affiliate Marketer

If Affiliate Marketing was easy, there wouldn’t be any ebooks or over-expensive training seminars and programs. Maybe all the gurus would go back to selling things on infomercials and leave the internet marketers alone? Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad after all…

More importantly, if Affiliate Marketing was easy, I wouldn’t be doing it. Neither would a lot of people I know. Why? Because if it was easy then it wouldn’t be as profitable. If it was easy, advertisers wouldn’t need affiliates at all. They could just direct link their campaigns on their top keywords and the leads would come pouring in.

The reason that we have value is that we are willing to do the things that other people are not. We are willing to test hundreds of creatives and up to thousands of keywords. We are willing to spend money to make money. We are willing to keep creating campaigns even after the last five in a row have been a complete and utter failure. We are willing to work 80 hours a week for ourselves so that we can avoid working 40 hours a week for someone else.

If Affiliate Marketing was easy, it wouldn’t be any fun.

The Paralysis of Analysis

There are many pitfalls that one must overcome when trying to make a living as a self-employed affiliate.  One of the toughest is conquering the little voice in your head.  You know, the one that says, “What’s the point of designing that new website, it’s just going to fail anyway.”  It is very good at talking you out of each and every good idea that you come up with before you even get started.  To be successful in business, not just Affiliate Marketing but any business, you must conquer the paralysis of analysis.

I can’t tell you how many times I have sat and stared at my LCD screen just waiting for something to magically happen.  It’s not that I think I can’t pull off the idea that I have cranking in my head, it’s that I worry that it won’t work and the time I spent will be wasted.  This is only reinforced each time an idea doesn’t pan out.  We’ve all heard the story about how it took Edison over 1,000 different tries to invent the light bulb, but Edison I’m not.  One failure can set me back days or even weeks.

One of the main reasons that this is fresh in my mind is because it happened to me just recently.  I had put a bunch of work into a website that I thought had a lot of viral potential, and I was using eBay Partner Network to monetize it.  It was fully designed, and I was just beginning to promote it and start doing the SEO work of link building and all that when I realized my mistake.  Like an idiot, I had forgotten to read the Terms & Conditions for EPN to see if they were ok with an affiliate using a website with “ebay” in the domain.  Little surprise, they are NOT ok with it…

Not a big deal right?  Wrong.  Mentally, it is a big deal because now I can’t get rid of that nagging feeling that it’s all pointless and that I’ll never recreate the success I have had with other similar sites.  This is where I kill myself every time.  I try to think about every possible way that it could fail, instead of thinking about every possible way that it could succeed.  I visualize Cease & Desist letters instead of Commission Checks.  It is almost impossible to turn everything around once you have dragged yourself through the mud like that.

However, one day you will wake up and lo and behold, there it is!  The burn.  The spark.  The hunger.  The idea.  When that happens, don’t fold your arms and start picking it apart, fire up your favorite web design program (or good ‘ol Notepad) and get cracking!  You’ll be glad you did.