I apologize in advance for the linkbait title. Now that you are here though, fine reader, I need your help. Since the start of this blog I have always had a reverse-type theme. This means a light font on a dark background. I chose this look because I wanted to stand out from all the other make money online blogs that all looked like copies of each other (black font on white background, typically blue header and theme).
Recently though, I was reading Ca$hvertising, an excellent book on marketing by Drew Eric Whitman (check it out if you haven’t already), and in one section he goes off about the evils of reverse-type fonts and how they are much harder to read and cause more eye strain on people. I know this blog isn’t an advertisement, but now that a few of you are actually reading this blog on a regular basis I thought I would leave it up to you.
So here’s a little poll… The future of Inside Affiliate’s theme is in your hands.
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