Testing Offers 101: From Red to Green

One of the toughest ongoing questions for affiliate marketers is, “How do I know when I’ve spent enough money testing an offer?”  Everybody has a different approach. There are a couple of truths that we need to look at.

  1. It is very rare to find a campaign that is profitable right out of the gate. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, because it does, but it is very rare. In most cases you will need to test, optimize, test, optimize, then test some more before you really get it dialed in and profiting enough to make it worthwhile.
  2. Some campaigns will not work no matter how much testing and optimizing you do. There is nothing more frustrating than beating a dead horse.

Sound like a Catch 22? It all boils down to your tolerance for pain, or your willingness to lose (or I like to say “invest”) money in a campaign before it sees a profit. How do you test properly without blowing too much money, and still avoid dropping potentially profitable campaigns too early? Here’s what I like to do…

First of all, when you setup a campaign, you want to spend about 2x to 3x the payout of the offer for the initial test. If the offer payout is $5, then you want to spend approximately $10 – $15 on the initial test phase. This is the “gathering data” phase.


Green is good

Once you have done this, you will have some data to work with (assuming you’ve been tracking everything, with Tracking202 or a similar program). Here’s the type of questions you want to ask in order to evaluate your data:

Did it get any conversions at all? If so, what keywords / urls / referrers / ad copies / banners were they from? Did you make a profit? Would it be profitable if you bid on less keywords? Would it be profitable if you bid on more keywords for a cheaper price? The list goes on, but these questions should give you a start.

For me personally, after the initial testing phase, if I haven’t received any conversions at all, I usually dump the campaign. That’s -100% ROI, and that’s going to be hard to overcome without a drastically different strategy, and it’s probably not worth it. If you are anywhere from -50% ROI to 0% ROI, then you might be able to profit with optimization. Try using a landing page or direct linking (whichever you didn’t do the first time), try different ad copies, pictures, headlines, calls to action, etc. Use the data from the test to see what is working and what is not working.

However you got those conversions in the testing phase, focus on that precise set of circumstances and recreate them in greater volume. Once you understand how and why you got some conversions, you are well on your way to having an optimized and profitable campaign.

Now go make some money!

Affiliate Marketing Is Dead, Everyone Move On

How many times have you heard someone echoing this doomsday sentiment lately?  People act as if this has never happened before.  I can hear them now… “But Facebook ads are way harder to get approved now!  Plenty of Fish doesn’t have enough traffic!  Nobody believes offers anymore, they are getting too smart!  There are too many competitors on PPV!”

Oh noes! Aff mktg is dead!

Oh noes! Aff mktg is dead!

Maybe you got into affiliate marketing by accident.  Maybe you fell into your first profitable campaign and haven’t been able to duplicate it.  Maybe you’ve been sitting on autopilot spending all of your Acai money.  Whatever the case, these next few months are what separate the men from the boys.

This entire industry goes in cycles.  Much like the stock market.  There are bear markets and there are bull markets.  Can people make money in both?  Absolutely.  But not by doing the same thing.  Take a look around.  What are people talking about?  What are the fads now that you can make money off of?  What are the new traffic sources or affiliate offers that are popping up?

There is opportunity everywhere, but it is going to take some work to monetize it.  Let’s face it, the “work” that we have to do in this industry is not that bad.  We are not grabbing our shovels and pickaxes and going back into the coal mine.  We sit here in front of our computers every single day and make a lot of money for it.  The only thing that changes is you are actually doing work instead of screwing around on forums and wasting time all day.

To all the whiners out there, I hate to be harsh, but shut up and get back to work.

Breaking Down Your PPV Campaign

So you’ve scraped several hundred urls, you have launched the campaign on at least one PPV network, and you have traffic coming in.  What now?  Well, chances are you are not going to be profitable right off the bat.  If you are then, great!  But there is still optimization that can be done.  If you are just under the line, even about -50% ROI, you can probably pull it up into the black with a little adjustment.

A lot of times you will find that out of those several hundred urls that you scraped, only one or two will give you the majority of the traffic right off the bat.  If it’s a site like google.com or facebook.com that slipped in there by accident, then you should just pause those.  But if it’s a site that is related to your niche that gets a ton of traffic, then it is time to break down your PPV campaign.

Breaking down the wall

Here’s what I mean by that: take out that #1 url, the one that is getting the most traffic, and make a new campaign just for that url.  Then, you want to create a landing page that is specifically targeted towards users of that page.  You want to match the style of it and the colors as well as you can, so that it feels like a natural extension of the site they are visiting instead of an intrusive popup.

If you can achieve this, you are bound to see a large increase in your click-throughs and hopefully conversions as well.  There are still no guarantees, but this method is one of the best ways to optimize your campaign and either get it profitable or squeeze even more profit out of it.

Give it a shot, and let me know how it goes!

Don’t Quit Your Day Job

You’ve heard about them.  People that make their money entirely online.  A world of sleeping in until noon everyday, working in your underwear, and taking champagne baths bought with all of the money you are making in Affiliate Marketing.  But hold on just a sec cowboy…  While it’s true that many new affiliates jumping into the game right now will someday reach that level, it is not something that happens overnight.


Affiliate Marketing can be stressful.  You can spend hours, weeks, and months testing out offer after offer, trying to break through and find that first big campaign.  Then once you have found it, the network can take it right out from under you, or Google & Facebook can take away your traffic on a whim.  So now you are back at square one.

This all sounds very discouraging.  I’m not trying to talk anybody out of pursuing a career online, but I am trying to get you to take a realistic look at what you are getting yourself into.  You are starting a business.  Starting a business is hard.  You certainly don’t want to jump into the deep end of the pool before you have even learned the dog paddle.

The best advice I can keep you is this: don’t quit your day job! If you have the ability to absorb a few losses and keep yourself afloat while you are learning the ropes, you are going to have a much easier go of it than someone who needs a campaign to work in order to put food on the table for dinner.

Ask any successful affiliate how they got their start, and I would be willing to bet that most of them got into this as a hobby or a part-time thing while they were still working somewhere else.  When you are ready to go full-time, make sure that you have a bankroll saved up to float yourself for at least 3 months or so, in case things don’t quite go the way you wanted.

If you put in the extra work to set yourself up for success in your new business, that champagne will taste even sweeter when it comes.

My 7 Favorite FireFox Addons

I’ve been an avid FireFox user for years.  One of the main reasons I like it is the huge variety of Add-ons that are available.  Google and Apple have recently added support for extensions to Chrome and Safari, respectively, but FireFox has such a massive head start on them in terms of Add-ons that it will take a while for them to catch up.

FireFox Addons FTW

I’ve got some Add-ons that I simply can’t live without.  I install them on every new computer the second I start using it.  There are still thousands out there I want to check out, but these are the ones that I use religiously:

SearchStatus – Automatically displays the PageRank and Alexa ranking for every website that you go to.  It can display it as a graphical bar or a text number.  I like the number personally.  I always like to know how much authority and link juice a site has while I am reading it, and this is the best way.  My browser feels naked without it.

Echofon (formerly TwitterFox) – An awesome Twitter client for FireFox.  Unlike TweetDeck, it doesn’t take up any additional resources on your computer.  I love it.

Yet Another Window Resizer – This one is awesome for PPV guys.  It allows you to right-click on any website and resize the browser window to any size you want.  800×600 or 750×550 is a breeze to preview your PPV landers.

LastPass – This is a password manager and auto form filler that makes life easier on the web for marketers.  If you are like me, you have about 100 different logins for traffic sources, ppc networks, affiliate networks, analytics, forums, the list goes on.  LastPass saves all your passwords and locks them down with a Master Password, and it syncs them between all your different browsers and computers.  It also generates strong passwords for you automatically and saves them when you sign up for a new account somewhere.

Xmarks – This completes the syncing package by syncing your bookmarks across multiple computers and browsers.  I used to use it for Password sync as well, but I replaced it with LastPass.

Colorzilla – Gives you an eyedropper tool that you can use to get the hexadecimal value of any color you see on the web.  Comes in really handy for designing banners & creatives as well as websites.

DT Whois – Adds a button to your browser that gives you one-click access to the Whois info for any website you are viewing.  You end up using it a lot more than you think.

There are others that I use every now and then, and there are loads more available that web developers use, but these are the ones that I can’t live without and my FireFox installation isn’t complete until I load them up.  What are some of your favorites?

Thoughts on Tracking202

There have been plenty of posts about the re-acquisition of Tracking202 by Wes Mahler and Steven Truong, so I’m not going to rehash those here.  All the buzz and discussion about this topic, as well as the original sale to Bloosky, have made me think quite a bit about what was the cause of all this.

Fact is, there would never have been a sale to Bloosky or a re-acquisition in the first place if Wes & Steven hadn’t poured out their sweat and their wallets to create a truly original product.  Although there are competitors now, when 202 came out it was the first of its kind on the block.  They were able to capture almost the entire market for the affiliate tracking software niche with little trouble or competition.

Marketers can take this to heart the next time they are getting frustrated by the arbitrage game.  There is much more out there to making money online than buying traffic from someone and selling it to someone else for more money.  The true innovators in the online space (and in the business world in general) are the people who offered a solution for the needs of their clients in a new (or just better) way.

When you create your own product to promote, you are in control.  There are no advertisers to scrub leads or networks to withhold payment, you are the be-all and end-all of your online empire.  Granted, this is much easier said than done, but the rewards are evident everywhere you look.

Just look at Marcus from Plenty of Fish.  He now has Match.com demanding to know how POF gets more new users every month than they could dream of, and they’ve got huge funding behind them.  Markus Frind started POF all on his own, and kept it simple, and believed in it.  Now they are a force to be reckoned with in the dating industry.

I guess what I’m trying to say is this: you have ideas all the time.  You know, the ones that get scribbled down on a piece or paper or just mentally filed back there in your brain with all the other things that will never come to fruition.  Take some time to develop these ideas.  They don’t have to be perfect when you start out, they just need to exist.  You can fine-tune things later.

If you create something that will be a long term asset today, you will be glad for it tomorrow when the next big affiliate industry shake up comes along.  Trust me.

AffExpert > AffPortal (A Review)

AffPortal was the first “PPV Tools” website on the block.  It took a whole bunch of tasks that PPV marketers have to do on a regular basis, and made them faster and easier.  Things like URL scraping, etc.  Now that it’s been out for a while, a competitor has sprung up called AffExpert.  At first I was skeptical, because I am a huge fan of AffPortal.  But once I got the chance to dig in and use the tools during their free Beta period (which has expired), they won me over.

Most of the tools are self-explanatory by the title, but there are a couple of things that I really like about AffExpert’s system that make it unique:

  1. When you are scraping URLs, it automatically shows you the Alexa, and Quantcast rankings for all of them.  This is pretty cool because you can tell how much traffic a target is going to get before you even test it out on the PPV network.
  2. There is a really cool Basket system that you can save all the URLs to that you want to keep, and then download them all at once in one nice file.  This eliminates the all-too-common problem of duplicate URLs you get when you are scraping  through other methods, and it will also give you the option to add or remove the final slash (/) at the end of the URLs.  Since PPV networks like DirectCPV consider “domain.com” to be a different URL than “domain.com/”, this can be handy.
AffExpert URL Scraper

URL Scraper in action

Here are the PPV/CPV tools available:

  • Related Keywords
  • URL Scraper
  • Site Analytics (Alexa, Compete, Quantcast)
  • Domain Expander
  • Related Domains Finder
  • Top 1 Mil Domain Explorer
  • Domain Typos
  • URL Query Generator
  • YouTube Scraper
  • URL Follower

There are also some PPC tools:

  • Google Campaign Builder
  • Competition Spy
  • Adsense Finder
  • Keyword Grouper

There is also a self-hosted Weighted URL Rotator.  You can install this on your own server so you don’t have to worry about the data being snatched by somebody else (unless they have access to your server, and then you are just a moron).

I haven’t personally used the PPC tools much, so I can’t report on how they work.  That being said, it’s nice to get them for the one monthly fee, and if you are paying for another keyword tool that does the same thing, you can eliminate that extra expense and just use one tool set for everything.

All in all, I highly recommend AffExpert.  I use it personally on every PPV campaign I do, and it is a major time saver.  You can get a 7-day, fully functional trial for only $1, so what are you waiting for, give it a shot!

P.S.  Use promo code “BETAUSER” to get a discounted membership for life.

Are Your Referral Commissions Getting Shaved?

Here’s a quick history: Affiliate Networks have been doing Referral Programs forever.  The concept is simple, you send them affiliates that you know or from your blog, and they give you a percentage of their earnings as a referral commission. It’s usually between 2% to 5% of the gross payouts that are generated by the referred affiliate.

Networks started doing this because it was an effective way to promote their networks on a pay-for-performance basis.  It became immensely popular with the make money online bloggers, and they started making quite a nice bit of cash for their referrals.

Fast-forward to today, and the environment is quite different.  Affiliate Networks are dropping like flies, margins are tight due to the competition, and a lot of referral programs have been phased out.  In some cases, percentages have been dropped.  In other cases, rules have been implemented where the referring party must have a certain amount of earnings each month personally with the network, or else he forfeits his referral commission.  This keeps people from joining networks just to refer and not to promote offers themselves.

What seems to be happening now, however, is a bit different.  The new trick for networks to get around paying for referrals is to tell them to sign up for a second account (without the referral link) after they have been approved for the network.  They usually use the excuse that they won’t get the best payouts if they are working under a referral account.  Since the affiliates always want the best payouts, they comply.

That's ShadyGranted, margins are tight, but I think this is kinda shady.  If a network has reached out to an affiliate or a blogger for referrals, and they send them people, they should get paid for their volume.  If networks can’t afford to pay for their referrals because of their margins, then they should just cancel their referral program all together.

That’s my two cents.  Has this ever happened to any of you?

Google TV: Coming To Your Living Room

Google is at it again. After dominating the search world, and making a play to dominate the mobile advertising world, now they are inviting themselves into your living room with a new product called Google TV.  It is a joint effort with Sony, and it is supposed to be way better than WebTV (remember that?).

The Big G definitely has their work cut out for them.  It’s been tried before, and it didn’t do too well.  Nowadays there are plenty of Media Center PCs about.  So if consumers want web on their TV, wouldn’t they just get one of those? Only time will tell.

Google TV

The interesting angle here is for marketers.  As with mobile, there will be a big opportunity for people who jump into this fast.  There’s a very strong possibility that if Google is the one behind it, there is going to be advertising involved.  What new types of ads and user engagement will Google TV provide?  Capturing someones attention while they are at home and relaxing could be a good thing for some offers, especially entertainment-based or even dating offers.

I haven’t heard anything yet on how the ads will work, and I’m only guessing at this point that there will even be ads.  Maybe the new device will just display the web we are all used to seeing, and there won’t be any platform specific ads.  Either way, new and different ways to connect with people online are springing up at a rapid rate, and the next ten years looks to be a good decade for the online world…