A lot of people that are just getting into PPV ask me what PPV network they should use or what’s the difference between the different networks. I decided to put together a handy comparison chart here so you can see which one is the best for your particular situation.
Excellent chart! Good post Josh.
You say that TV don’t accept Int’l advertiser,i am from aus and i was accepted
They do accept them in special cases, but usually only from English-speaking countries such as US, CA, AU, and UK. If you are in the Middle East or Asia, you are pretty much screwed. They have recently gotten much tighter on this as well. It used to be easier to get in from other countries.
I’m from Israel and got accepted, but I heard this claim before so I guess this is probably the case most of the times.
Nice chart!
Few points:
Doesn’t direct cpv use loudmo for ad software?
Trafficvance do allow international advertisers.
MediaTraffic you are allowed autoplay audio with permission.
1. No, not anymore. They wouldn’t tell me who they use now.
2. You got in before they cracked down, plus you’re a kiwi. Try being from India…
3. Nice! I didn’t know that.
Josh, i am from India and i got accepted into Trafficvance. Really depends on the referral, I had a super strong referral from a network CEO, guess that helped. so its not impossible to get into if u live in asia and know the right people
Vinay, I need some referral to get into. If you can please help me in that? God bless you.
DCPV pops are from loudmo, aren’t they?
No they aren’t. I think they used to be, but they aren’t anymore. They declined to reveal their new sources for this post.
I’d say Lead Impact is closer to 50 pops to day than 5, it’s pretty much non stop.
Yeah I was tempted to put that, but I decided to go with their official number.
Maybe it’s 5 pops per browser tab, but the 10 tab quota could be aggregated and delivered via one tab….
Seems like a lot.
I guess the TV quota is an “official number” too?
Yes, but that one has been tested by quite a few affiliates (including myself) who have installed the software and seen the pops to spy on the competition. It definitely pops way, way less than Hotbar. You can’t visit a single site without Hotbar popping. I don’t know how anybody leaves it on their computer, TBH.
The kind that fills in mobile quizzes, goes on to the Internet to find their perfect mate, and enroll for that bizop that will bring them financial freedom/millionairedom, apparently…
Addon network uses some security software site. When you buy their software you opt into the adware.
You can find out more about the different traffic sources by viewing their “Media Kits” Just request one or use a link that is usually found in the footer.
Interesting. I knew it had to be something like that, all they would tell me is they have “partners” they get their installs from. The guy was not forthcoming.
Nice chart!!! Thanks!!!
That’s a great list! I heard so much recommendations about Media Traffic and it seems that things are not as rosy any more. That saves me a lot of time from testing it.
Media traffic have the worst quality of traffic..Are you sure about that?? Because I was thinking to start with them.
In my experience, lately, yes. You can still test them out and you may have different results. They are still one of the major networks. But I would recommend starting with Lead Impact or Traffic Vance if you can afford it.
thx, great when I’m building campaigns and can see the resolution, min bid, etc all in one chart, comes in handy
Great summary review about PPV.
In terms of quality, I have run several campaigns & get following results.
Traffic Vance > Lead Impact > Media Traffic > Ad On > Direct CPV
It might depends on niches IMO
For me: Traffic Vance > Lead Impact > AdOn > Direct CPV > Media Traffic
Nice chart!
Adon would be listed on my chart as worst traffic. Tons of junk comes through them.
Awesome chart!
Last time I checked, TrafficVance was pop-unders.
Nope. Definitely pop-overs. I’ve seen them myself on my virtual machines.
They need to update their FAQ then. http://www.trafficvance.com/index.php?page=public.FAQ
What is Trafficvance?
Trafficvance is a contextual advertising system that connects advertisers to motivated users. When you create an account with Trafficvance, you create a free account and provide a URL for your offer or landing page. Then, you select a list of keyword and URL targets that target your offer. Your site will be delivered directly to consumers as a full-page ****pop-under*** ad targeted by those specific keywords or domains.
its little hard for applying traffic vance publisher if youre from Malaysia. im tried 3rd times, and doesnt get approve yet!
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A few points of correction…
1. Adon has both pop-overs and pop-unders, it really depends on the specific partner you're running though, you can't select one or the other.
2. TrafficVance's customer service in my experience has been atrocious – assuming we're talking about having a rep who actually understands the business of affiliate marketing and is helpful. They're REALLY good at taking your money, or reminding you when you've run out though.
3. Adon allows resizing of the window that pops, so really the size is whatever you want it to be. The other networks usually don't like you to resize but sometimes look the other way (except for TV, though they did allow me to resize to 800 x 600 and nothing else)
4. Adon's minimum bid is actually lower than 0.005
5. I've never had Adon care if I bid on the domain of a specific offer. TV and MT have given me crap about it.
6. I've never had Adon disapprove a campaign that had auto-playing audio.
Excellent chart! I have been using LeadImpact with good results. Recently I signed up with Trafficvance but the customer service is abysmal. Also the leads are pitiful. I get lots of impressions but no hits. Unlike LeadImpact which produces well. I would not recommend trafficvance, Too much to pay up front . What is this 1000 dollars anyway, to keep the riff raff out? Also I discovered too late they don't do international. Once my thousand dollars is used up (wastee) I will focus on LeadImpact and give trafficvance the boot.
Customer service for LeadImpact u said "worst", why?
They always approved my campaigns the same day within the coming hours, and if any one was disapproved they give the reasons so that u can update it and send it for approval.
i am new into paid marketing and can’t afford to test too many networks if anyone help to let me know what are the best network at the moment. one of my friend recommend direct CPV which is working well for me at the moment. and i like to use network same like this so if any one know good network please let me know.
I would suggest starting with Lead Impact.
Thanks josh todd
thanks for providing this information..could you please let me know if possible…what networks do allow CPV traffic and what offers do convert well on this type of traffic…Many thanks in advance
Thank you Josh this an excellent resource. It is laid out well and very helpful.
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