It’s Quiet… Too Quiet.

There has been a major lack of posts on this blog lately. Why is that? Quite simply, because I’ve been too busy making money to blog! I’ve found that my post frequency is inversely proportional to my income. When I’ve got lots of irons in the fire and paychecks are rolling in, I barely can squeak out a post every other week. But when I’m in plotting mode and thinking about the next campaign, sometimes I will post every single day because my brain is working overtime with ideas.

The good news is this: despite what you have heard, Affiliate Marketing is not dead. There is still plenty of money to be made out there, and most of it is in the same old verticals and niches that have been around for years now. So if you are struggling still trying to find that first big break, do yourself a favor. Spend some time studying what people are doing in the big niches. I’ve heard them called “evergreen” niches because they seem to have a never-ending demand.

TMNT Pizza Time

Raphael truly understands the concept of supply and demand

The plus side to these verticals is that they have so much potential and longevity. The down side is that there is more competition. But competition can be good. It keeps everyone on their toes. The next question is obviously, “How do you beat the competition?”. The answer to that is simple as well: BE CREATIVE!

Just because there is a lot of competition on an offer or a niche does not mean that there is only one way to promote it. If there are too many people bidding on the offer domain in Traffic Vance, then take a different approach! Think of who the offer appeals to. Think demographically. Think globally. Think of new landing pages or different ways to sell the offer that aren’t so obvious. This is truly what separates the men from the boys in Affiliate Marketing.

The bottom line is this: people are making money hand over fist right now, every single day. Are you going to do what it takes to be one of them?

Getting Down To Business

I’m feeling motivational today.  You might think that motivation is for wimps and losers.  You might think that motivation is cheesy.  You might want to think again.  Affiliate Marketing can be a very isolated industry.  Communication is all done over wires and screens, and it’s every man for himself out there.  You don’t have a manager telling you what to do.  You don’t have anyone setting goals for you.  If you aren’t careful, you can slip into a downward spiral very quickly when things go wrong.

I’m a firm believer in goals.  You have to set them, write them down on paper, and put them somewhere you can see them every day.  I have never missed a goal that I have written down this way.  Try it, you might surprise yourself.

These three videos have been viewed over and over again in my office.  The first one is about getting your mindset right.  The second one is a purely emotional motivating speech that gets me fired up every time.  The third one is inspirational simply because it is so fun to watch someone that has completely mastered his talent and ability.  You can laugh these off, or you can think about the difference that it would make in your paycheck if you take them to heart.  The choice is yours.

When Inspiration Strikes

When inspiration strikes, it comes hard and fast.  You have the idea, everything is clear.  It’s like when you wake up from a dream and everything is so vivid in your mind.  The problem is, much like when the dream starts to fade after a couple of hours of your morning routine, the killer idea can fade as well.  Here’s what I like to do: document every single detail that you can about the idea while it’s fresh! This doesn’t sound like rocket science, and it’s not.  That being said, I can’t tell you how many times I have neglected to do it because I was sure that I wouldn’t forget it and then the next day it’s *poof* gone.

This happened a lot back in my band days.  If I was sitting down at the guitar just jamming away, minding my own business, a lot of times that’s when the next killer hook for a song would show up.  Sometimes it was an accident, sometimes it was playing in a different tuning than I was used to, either way it would happen and then 9 times out of 10 I would tell myself that this hook was so awesome I would never forget it.  Then I put my guitar down, went and had some dinner, went to bed, and the next day at practice time I couldn’t even remember what chord the killer hook started with.  To this day I am convinced that I have written way too many monster songs and then forgotten them all.  What was the solution?  A simple tape recorder.  If I hit record, got that idea on tape, then it was there forever.  Maybe I wouldn’t even come back to it until months later, but it still rocked.

You can do the same thing with your marketing ideas.  Get it on paper somehow.  Maybe you carry a little notepad & pencil with you everywhere (you never know when inspiration will strike), or maybe you type it into your iPhone or Blackberry, or maybe you call your own voicemail and leave a verbal copy of the idea.  Next time you don’t know what to do, go through your killer ideas file, you are almost guaranteed to get fired up about a concept that you forgot and voila!  Time to make some money!

That’s all for today.  I’m out.